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Hulda Crooks 2023 DIY Classic

Opening Date:


Loma Linda, CA

February 24, 2023

Closing Date:

February 29, 2024

LAOC Logo.png

Do-It-Yourself Classic courses on a new map of Hulda Crooks Park


White through Red

Event Information and Instructions


This DIY course has been registered as a World Orienteering Day event. If you run any course at Hulda Crooks between May 17th and May 23rd you will be counted as a World Orienteering Day participant and recieve a World Orienteering Day Diploma certificate.


Map Scale: 1:10,000
Contour Interval: 5 meters

White      1.8 km   90 m climb  11 controls

Yellow     2.7 km   135 m climb  10 controls

Orange  3.5 km   200 m climb  12 controls

Brown     4.0 km   245 m climb  11 controls

Green     4.4 km   315 m climb  12 controls

Red          5.2 km    350 m climb  13 controls


Course punching is implemented with the MapRun app.
Instructions on using MapRun (Thanks to Bill Cusworth of BAOC for letting us use his write-up)
MapRun official website page


Upon registering and accepting the waiver, you will be emailed a link to the map file. All of the maps are together in one PDF file. The PIN that you need for the MapRun app is printed on each map.


Be sure to select and load the event in the app before you arrive. Once you are there, you will be able to run the course if it is already loaded, but will not be able to download the course if you have a bad connection.
Similarly, make sure that your results upload after you finish.
Because of Map and GPS inaccuracy, it is important that you use the printed map for navigation. The circles on the map in the app may not be perfectly accurate, but it will punch properly when you are in the printed circle.


Welcome to Hulda Crooks Park with a brand new map! It is located in Loma Linda, CA and contains a combination of developed land with a nice park and open, grassy hills. The area is also populated by chaparral, dense in some places, which can sometimes be difficult to pass through.

Note: These courses were originally designed for the 2023 COOL Finals, so they are fully field-checked and well thought through.

The terrain is mostly open, with good visibility, but contains some clumps of dense bushes and chaparral. Due to rain, many gullies have been created and are present throughout the area. All of them are mapped, depending on the size, as a small erosion gully or a large erosion gully. The area is also very hilly, so you should expect large, Bonelli levels of climb.

Safety Information

Please choose a course that is suitable for your experience level. Bring water with you. There is no water placed on the course. If you go alone, please make sure someone knows when to expect you home and has a copy of the map.

Private Property Notes

The map includes some private property which is mapped with the out-of-bounds symbol. The map also includes 2 enclosed dog parks that are mapped with the passable fence symbol and open land. For your safety, please do not try to cut through the dog park. This area has not been mapped with the out-of-bounds symbol to improve map readability.

In addition, there is a huge water tank in the area, approximately 35 meters across, that is surrounded by a fence and is located in the northwestern part of the map. The fence is mapped as an impassable fence, and the area inside is mapped as out-of-bounds. Please do not climb the fence or cut through this property. In addition, there are 2 gates on the road leading up to the water tank. Do not go beyond the second, or southern, gate, or anywhere near the water tank. No courses will have to go past the southern gate.

There is also some private property close to the water tank. It is also mapped as out-of-bounds. There is a gate, north of the water tank gate, to prevent cars from entering the private driveway. People can just walk around this gate to proceed to the trail.

Safety Notes

When it comes to safety on the course, the terrain is steep in places and contains many cliffs. Please be cautious when moving down slopes or steep areas. There are some seasonal streams in the area that may be necessary to cross. They are small, approximately 1 meter across, but may contain water after rain.

This is also a popular area for mountain biking. Most of these bikers are usually aware that there might be people on the trails, but still use caution when traveling on the trails.

Registration and Pricing

Please fill out this form to register and accept the waiver. Links to the maps will be emailed to you after registering.

There is no charge for this event.


Hulda Crooks Park

S Mountain View Ave & Beaumont Ave

25765 Beaumont Ave

Loma Linda, CA 92354

Race Management
Parks and Recreation Logo.png
County Seal.png

Course Setters: Mikhail and Sergey Biryukov

Forms and website management: Clare Durand

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