2022 Orienteering USA Nationals
Sprint: Friday, Nov 11 - Pierce College
LAOC is proud to host the 2022 OUSA Nationals in our premier desert terrain.
Sprint - Pierce College will be a brand new sprint map. This community college in the San Fernando Valley is well known for it's agricultural programs.
Pierce College is embargoed with the exception of enrolled students attending classes.

Mappers notes for Pierce College - by Matej Sebo
The Pierce College sprint map is drafted to the IOF ISSprOM 2019-2 standard at 1:4,000, with 2 meter contours. It uses 2 special symbols. The green X (419) is used to denote (standing) dead or fallen trees. The "thick pipeline", or "prominent uncrossable line feature" symbol (529) is used to denote an impassable pipeline.
Construction areas are denoted using the purple cross-hatched out-of-bounds symbol (709). Their boundaries are sometimes impassable fences; these are indicated using a thick purple dashed line.
The horticulture area and botanical garden are trails-only; this is indicated on the map through the use of impassable olive green. Marshals may be stationed throughout the course to enforce out-of-bounds areas.
Thick bushes that are also out-of-bounds are mapped with the 100% green/50% black "Uncrossable vegetation" symbol (411). Vegetation that is declared out-of-bounds, but would otherwise be passable (the majority of the botanical garden and horticulture area) is mapped using olive green. Crossing either will lead to immediate disqualification.
Small bushes close to ankle or knee height are not mapped unless they cover a sizable area, in which case they are mapped using the green vertical slash symbols (407, 409).
The distinction between the tree symbol (417) vs. the small tree/bush symbol (418) is used to differentiate between the size of vegetation features in a particular area. These sizes are not intended to be consistent across the map.
Boulders of a height greater than or equal to 1 meter are mapped. Boulders below this height are
not mapped.
Large light fixtures on wheels are not mapped; a picture of these is attached.
They are relatively common around the athletics fields.
Friday, November 11
11:30 am - 2:30 pm Packet pickup available at Pierce College
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Sprint starts at Pierce College
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Packet pickup available at event hotel in Lancaster (Best Western Desert Poppy Inn)
Awards for the Sprint will take place at Vasquez Rocks on Saturday