Barton Flats, Oct 2022
Barton Flats near Angelus Oaks, CA
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Thanks to course setter Mike Reason and all participants for their patience waiting for this event. Due to combinations of mudslides and fires, it was more than a month between the original scheduled date and the actual event. That didn't stop plenty of folks from coming out. Due to lack of a permit, we were required to keep attendance under 75. Thanks to the NJROTC units that reduced their numbers to help us let more members attend.
Roland Hansson bested Alex Kiperman on the Red and Anders Plymoth from San Diego had a wide margin on Green. The close race was on Brown between longtime LAOC member Allan Pincus and Troy cadet Lauren Gao. Other top racers included Mikhail Biryukov on Orange and Jarrett Sorbello on Yellow.
Thanks to all who helped make this event happen, especially:
Course Setter / Map Updates - Mike Reason
Preregistration - Allan Pincus
Start - Bruce Garbaccio, Chaparral NJROTC
Finish - Mike Reason and Troy NJROTC
Epunch/Results - Rich Hoesly and Alex Kiperman
Control Pick-up - Troy NJROTC
Meet Director - Clare Durand
Place Time Name Club COOL
Red (7) 5.7 km 0 m 17 C
1 1:07:16 Roland Hansson LAOC
2 1:27:30 Alexander Kiperman LAOC
3 1:41:45 Nikita Phillips LAOC
4 1:54:30 Jacob Hook LAOC
5 2:11:41 Eugene Kiperman LAOC
6 2:37:20 Kimberly Pincus LAOC
7 3:17:04 John Phillips LAOC
Green (26) 5.0 km 200 m 14 C
1 1:14:33 Anders Plymoth SDO
2 1:31:37 AJ Matheson LAOC
3 1:41:27 Eric Hong LAOC
4 1:44:22 Walker Maze LAOC
5 1:45:04 Ivan Konov none
6 1:46:47 Kevin Yuan LAOC
7 1:53:34 Ron Sandvick SDO
8 1:55:48 Sergey Biryukov LAOC
9 2:00:12 Bruce Garbaccio LAOC
10 2:04:26 Tom Yuan LAOC
11 2:05:08 Todd Hook LAOC
12 2:07:24 Aaron Shan LAOC
13 2:12:13 Ethan Noh LAOC
14 2:12:58 Jonah Jankowski none
15 2:14:17 Brian Phan LAOC
16 2:16:05 Lorenzo Rossi LAOC
17 2:20:46 Ostty Wang LAOC
18 2:33:08 Darren Robinson LAOC
19 2:47:21 Egor Lebedev LAOC
20 3:05:11 James Lauper LAOC
dnf William Gilmore LAOC
dnf Brody Hedrick none
dnf Lawrence Abelgas LAOC
dnf Connor Poll none
dnf Manuel Barrios LAOC
dnf Freddy Wang LAOC
Brown (7) 3.5 km 105 m 10 C
1 1:02:21 Allan Pincus LAOC
2 1:04:14 Lauren Gao LAOC
3 1:13:34 Clare Durande LAOC
4 1:16:25 Christopher Riley SDO
5 1:32:04 Abigail Lauper LAOC
6 1:36:44 Wayne Cottrell LAOC
dnf James Lyle none
Orange (8) 3.2 km 120 m 8 C
1 58:42 Mikhail Biryukov LAOC
2 1:17:01 Jennifer Sorbello none
3 1:45:41 Team Normandy LAOC
4 1:52:59 Joshua Garrett LAOC
dnf Kamille Bivens none
dnf Ivan Dubon none
dnf Karen Murphy LAOC
dnf Abrianna Finks none
Yellow (14) 2.8 km 90 m 10 C
1 1:01:22 Jarrett Sorbello none
2 1:17:53 Der Best Team none
3 1:18:57 Angelo Casciano none
4 1:20:31 Kayleigh Mapps none
5 1:21:11 Imad Alazani none
6 1:24:05 Shavkat Shakirov none
7 1:28:47 Faith Aolaolagi none
8 1:29:59 Sean Murphy-Costanza none
9 1:33:23 Team Totchos LAOC
10 1:48:15 Justine Ordinario none
11 1:52:54 Jeremy Sorbello none
12 1:54:36 Abdulmalek Alazani none
dnf Suzanne Lyle none
dnf Ricardo Martinez none
White (4) 2.4 km 55 m 9 C
1 22:59 Wayne Cottrell LAOC
2 37:42 Jeff Sorbello none
3 58:37 Erik Schiller none
4 1:01:00 Mary Castiloo LAOC