Barton Flats 2024
Barton Flats near Angelus Oaks, CA
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Longtime LAOC member Mike Chin came to the rescue at the last minute to design and set the Barton Flats event. Mike quickly put together a very nice set of courses and then trekked out to the site to tag them only a week before the race. I helped get the maps into the computer and we got everything hung the morning of the event. Thanks, Mike!
With this being the first event after the beginning of the school year, some of our NJROTC units started up their pre-season training and we had over 70 participants. Tuomas Tala from Finland sped through the longish Green course in just 51 minutes, coming out ahead of LAOC member Anton Zhiganov. On the Brown course, Piaras de Cleir, from Georgia, took top honors. Benjamin Cheng and Katherine Jung of Troy started their new school year strong with top two finishes on the Orange course. And Wayne Cottrell managed to eke out a win on Yellow over the Girl Scouts of Shark Bait.
Thanks to all who helped make this event happen, especially:
Course Design and setting - Mike Chin
Condes and Control Hanging - Clare Durand
Epunch and Results - Rich Hoesly
Preregistration - Allan Pincus
Meet Director - Clare Durand
Control Pickup - Mike Chin, Mike Reason, Bruce Garbaccio, Troy NJROTC Cadets
2024-08-25 Barton Flats Tue 8/27/2024 12:41 PM
-------------OE2010 © Stephan Kr‰mer SportSoftware 2017--------------
Place Time Name Club
Green (27) 5.8 km 195 m 15 C
1 51:10 Tuomas Tala Finland
2 54:44 Anton Zhighnov LAOC
3 1:19:01 Nikita Phillips LAOC
4 1:21:01 Alexander Kiperman LAOC
5 1:24:28 John Phillips V LAOC
6 1:29:22 Seppo Rantala LAOC
7 1:33:34 Kaileo Truong LAOC
8 1:48:31 Ambrose Liu none
8 1:48:31 Jonah Jankowski none
10 1:50:34 Richard Dekany LAOC
11 1:57:26 Jason Pan LAOC
12 1:57:27 Eugene Kiperman LAOC
13 1:58:58 Tharun Manigandan LAOC
14 2:02:33 Mike Reason LAOC
15 2:14:57 Jennifer Sorbello LAOC
16 2:15:56 Nolan Hedrick none
17 2:16:41 Brian Phan LAOC
18 2:17:10 Howie Sheu LAOC
19 2:18:45 Mason Kusko none
20 2:31:01 Bruce Garbaccio LAOC
21 2:54:21 Logan Perez LAOC
22 2:59:04 Brad Weyers LAOC
23 3:30:34 Becky Mintz none
dnf Christopher Day SDO
dnf Michael Bonn none
dnf Alan Perez LAOC
dnf Evan Tan LAOC
Brown (12) 3.7 km 120 m 10 C
1 52:15 Piaras de Cleir GAOC
2 1:06:43 Steinar Johansen none
3 1:11:06 Ryan Dekany LAOC
4 1:13:20 Luke Tran LAOC
5 1:18:29 Antti Salmi none
6 1:23:29 Engstad Family LAOC
7 1:41:44 Cal Running LAOC
8 1:59:51 John Phillips LAOC
9 2:06:52 Super Sloths LAOC
10 2:27:49 James Lyle none
dnf Yzabella Craigen none
dnf Galina Prodan none
Orange (9) 3.9 km 135 m 11 C
1 1:07:17 Benjamin Cheng LAOC
2 1:10:04 Katherine Jung LAOC
3 1:15:40 Wayne Cottrell LAOC
4 1:27:23 Kyla Zapisek none
5 1:28:10 Dogsters LAOC
6 1:51:27 Jeff Sorbello LAOC
7 1:57:15 Evelyn Jiang LAOC
8 2:11:39 The 0372s LAOC
9 3:19:03 Larissa Liu LAOC
Yellow (13) 2.8 km 90 m 10 C
1 34:20 Wayne Cottrell LAOC
2 35:38 Shark Bait 3 none
3 37:35 Shark Bait 1 none
4 49:09 Vast none
5 54:50 Team Tamstorf none
6 57:08 Julia Shark Bait 2 none
7 1:04:32 CypressPair LAOC
8 1:10:54 Troop301 none
9 1:14:35 Hide and Seekers LAOC
10 2:35:56 Samantha Aspurias none
11 2:38:43 Gabriel Acuna none
dnf Richard Santos-Castro none
dnf Elena Prodan none