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Barton Flats Aug 2023

Barton Flats near Angelus Oaks, CA

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Tropical Storm Hilary had us all on the edge of our seats waiting to see if this event would go forward. Luckily, the road damage on Highway 38 was beyond Barton Flats and the rangers allowed us to continue. Mike Reason set some wonderful courses that gave everyone a chance to get near Jenks Lake and presented some new challenges. The nature of the trail network made it difficult to set both White and Yellow and have them be distinctly different, so Mike set a single longer Basic level course, which was quite popular. Pavel Mamontov whizzed through that and then went back out on the Orange course. Team Vas Normandy won the Orange course and the winners at the expert level were a roster of usual suspects: Alex Kiperman, Roland Hansson, Lorenzo Rossi, and Clare Durand (who only hung controls that weren't on her course).

​Thanks to all the volunteers who made this event possible:

Course design - Mike Reason

Control Hanging - Mike Reason, Denise Reason, Clare Durand

Preregistration - Allan Pincus

Check-in Table - Clare Durand

Start - Denise and Mike Reason

Finish - Victoria and Nikita Phillips

Epunch - Rich Hoesly

Control pickup - Roland Hansson, Nikita Phillips, Kim Pincus, Rich Hoesly, Mike Reason

  Place      Time     Name                         Club              COOL                  

Blue  (6)               6 km  260 m 17 C 

      1   1:21:23     Alexander Kiperman           LAOC                                    

      2   1:22:04     Hirotake Komatsu             none                                    

      3   1:32:13     Nikita Phillips              LAOC                                    

      4   1:37:58     Jacob Hook                   LAOC                                    

      5   3:43:16     John Phillips                LAOC                                    

              dnf     Wayne Cottrell               LAOC                                    

Red  (5)                8 km  230 m 15 C 

      1   1:06:17     Roland Hansson               LAOC                                    

      2   1:22:33     Mikhail Biryukov             LAOC                                    

      3   1:33:09     Sergey Biryukov              LAOC                                    

      4   1:46:33     Eugene Kiperman              LAOC                                    

               mp     Kit Maneewong                none                                    

Green  (9)              1 km  195 m 14 C 

      1   1:32:13     Lorenzo Rossi                LAOC                                    

      2   1:39:32     Todd Hook                    LAOC                                    

      3   1:43:50     Brody Hedrick                none                                    

      4   1:44:47     Bruce Garbaccio              LAOC                                    

      5   1:47:18     Gene Mason                   LAOC                                    

      6   1:47:57     Kimberly Pincus              LAOC                                    

      7   1:50:57     Jonah Jankowski              none                                    

      8   1:51:52     Ivan Dubon                   none                                    

      9   2:16:41     Allan Pincus                 LAOC                                    

Brown  (7)              8 km  155 m  9 C 

      1     58:18     Clare Durand                 LAOC                                    

      2   1:30:28     Jeff Laun                    LAOC                                    

      3   1:39:48     Christopher Riley            SDO                                     

      4   1:55:09     Super Sloths                 LAOC                                    

      5   2:06:31     Yzabella Craigen             none                                    

      6   2:34:36     Zachary Olson                none                                    

              dnf     Team Vlietstra               LAOC                                    

Orange  (12)            5 km  110 m 10 C 

      1   1:05:40     Vas Normandy                 LAOC                                    

      2   1:08:32     Logan Perez                  LAOC                                    

      3   1:23:08     Sean Murphy-Costanza         none                                    

      4   1:23:35     Jennifer Sorbello            none                                    

      5   1:33:46     Levi Boda                    none                                    

      6   1:37:55     Pavel Mamontov (2nd)         none                                    

      7   1:52:20     Alan Perez                   LAOC                                    

      8   1:57:51     Jarrett Sorbello             none                                    

      9   2:01:01     Team Young                   none                                    

     10   3:07:07     Jeff Sorbello                none                                    

               mp     Dave Cox                     none                                    

              dnf     Centennial Mason Jars        none                                    

White  (13)             .1 km  75 m 10 C 

      1     25:38     Pavel Mamontov               none                                    

      2     25:59     Levi Boda (2nd)              none                                    

      3     32:23     Sean Murpohy(2nd)            none                                    

      4     32:28     Wayne Cottrell               LAOC                                    

      5     38:37     Polina Biryukova             LAOC                                    

      6     50:57     Karen Murphy                 LAOC                                    

      7     55:03     Troop 2131 Cheng and Young   none                                    

      8   1:01:41     Team O'Brient                LAOC                                    

      9   1:11:39     Andrea Frost                 none                                    

     10   1:12:19     Team Messer                  none                                    

     11   1:14:52     Jeremy Sorbello              none                                    

     12   1:16:44     Trees Beware                 LAOC                                    

     13   2:15:46     Troop 2131 Katsuyama         none                                    


Los Angeles Orienteering Club, 2024

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