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Belmont Shores July 2023

Mother's Beach and Surrounding Neighborhood

Sunday, July 9, 2023

This  was our first in-person event at Belmont Shores since 2019 and Rich  Hoesly set a marvelous course. Due to construction, routes to the east  side of the usual map weren't open, so Rich instead extended the map to  the west. He also created a new basemap using Open Street Map, which  showed the difference between streets and alleys much more nicely than  our previous version. All of the questions were fun and accurate and  everyone had a great time. The weather also cooperated with overcast  coolness giving way to the sun just as the event was ending. John  Kuechle managed to pick up the win with 26 correct answers and only a  small penalty for a wrong answer. Jennifer Sorbello was top female with  23 controls and no penalties.

​Thanks to all the volunteers who made this event possible:

Course Design and vetting: Rich Hoesly

Preregistration: Allan Pincus

Registration Table: Rich Hoesly, Clare Durand, Denise Reason

Finish/Scoring/Results: Rich Hoesly

Event Director: Clare Durand


Place    Name              Club Time Correct Total   Wrong Penalty           Total  Final 

                                (Min)       Points Answers Points Overtime Controls Score

 1  John Kuechle        LAOC    118    26     1690     1     -35       0      27     1655

 2  Wayne Cottrell      LAOC    119    25     1700     3    -120       0      28     1580

 3  Alexander Gokan     None    117    23     1490     2     -55       0      25     1435

 4  Jennifer Sorbello   None    118    23     1420     0       0       0      23     1420

 5  Reason2Rock         LAOC    120    22     1410     2     -85       0      24     1325

 6  Elena Vinnichenko   LAOC    144    27     1560     0       0    -240      27     1320

 7  Clare Durand        None    120    20     1310     0       0       0      20     1310

 8  John Phillips V     LAOC    133    24     1440     1     -35    -130      25     1275

 9  Cypress Pair        LAOC    115    20     1060     0       0       0      20     1060

10  Ron Sanvick          SDO    124    15     1120     1     -45     -40      16     1035

11  Jeff Sorbello       None    121    18     1040     0       0     -10      18     1030

12  Sergei Vinnichenko  LAOC    132    19     1140     0       0    -120      19     1020

13  Nikita Phillips     LAOC    130    18     1130     1     -30    -100      19     1000

14  Sung Kim            LAOC    126    18     1130     3    -115     -60      21      955

15  John Phillips IV    LAOC    122    15      970     0       0     -20      15      950

16  Vas Normandy        LAOC    116    16      940     1     -35       0      17      905

17  Evgeny  Vinnichenko LAOC    136    20     1120     3     -90    -160      23      870

18  Logan Perez         LAOC    122    13      920     2     -65     -20      15      835

19  Nancy Kuechle       LAOC    119    14      800     0       0       0      14      800

20  Jarrett Sorbello"   None    134    16      820     3    -125    -140      19      555

21  Super Sloths        LAOC    113    10      590     2     -50       0      12      540


Los Angeles Orienteering Club, 2024

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