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Bluff Lake 2024

Bluff Mesa Group Campground near Big Bear

Sunday, June 30, 2024

We were happy to see a few newcomers join our veteran group for training and camping. The Sunday courses proved, as promised, to be challenging and saw out-of-towners Rex Winterbottom (BAOC) and Anders Plymoth (SDO) at the top on the red course. Eugene Kiperman closely beat out Alan Perez on green, while Bruce Garbaccio dominated on brown. Wayne Cottrell had a strong showing on orange, as well as on white, where he was closely followed by Aleksandra Geiko. Rich Hoesly zipped around yellow ahead of Polina Biryukov.

Thanks to all who helped make this event happen. Please let us know if we missed anyone:

  • Course Setter and Training Coordinator - Roland Hansson

  • Preregistration - Allan Pincus

  • Registration/Check-In - Clare Durand

  • Start - Roland Hansson

  • Epunch - Rich Hoesly

  • Finish - Logan Perez

  • Control Pickup - Clare Durand, Roland Hansson, Bruce Garbaccio, Alan and Logan Perez



2024-06-30 Bluff Lake                                               Sun 6/30/2024 7:06 PM



  Place      Time     Name                          Club                 COOL

Red  (10)        5.3 km  160 m 15 C

      1   1:22:25     Rex Winterbottom              BAOC

      2   1:25:53     Anders Plymoth                SDO

      3   1:29:58     Mikhail Biryukov              LAOC

      4   1:43:38     Clare Durand                  LAOC

      5   1:45:32     Alexander Kiperman            LAOC

      6   1:51:50     Mike Chin                     LAOC

      7   2:17:51     Big Bear Adventure Racing     none

      8   3:19:51     Vendula Mrozkova              LAOC

      9   3:23:45     Kelly Biv                     none

              dnf     Liu Ambrose                   none

Green  (7)        4.1 km  90 m 13 C

      1   1:42:22     Eugene Kiperman               LAOC

      2   1:45:43     Alan Perez                    LAOC

      3   1:55:22     Logan Perez                   LAOC

      4   2:10:50     Olga Urbanovskaia             none

              dnf     Roman Geiko                   LAOC

              dnf     Elena Vinnichenko             LAOC

              dnf     Lorenzo Rossi                 LAOC

Brown  (1)        3.1 km  65 m 11 C

      1   2:41:55     Bruce Garbaccio               LAOC

Orange  (3)       2.8 km  50 m 10 C

      1     47:14     Wayne Cottrell                LAOC

      2   1:12:53     Dogsters                      LAOC

      3   1:57:11     Michael Bryant                none

Yellow  (4)       2.5 km  35 m 10 C

      1     47:16     Rich Hoesly                   LAOC

      2     56:44     Sergey Biryukov               LAOC

      3   1:21:21     Robert Kramer                 none

      4   2:07:52     Doug and Rose Hogg            LAOC

White  (7)        1.4 km  25 m  7 C

      1     16:27     Wayne Cottrell                LAOC

      2     24:54     Aleksandra Geiko              none

      3     38:02     Plymoth Rocks                 SDO

      4     39:01     Bruce Untiedt                 none

      5     43:37     Team Chenster                 none

      6     44:52     Dogsters                      none

      7   1:13:06     Renee Harris                  none


Los Angeles Orienteering Club, 2024

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