Echo Park Urban Discovery 2024
Elysian Park and surrounding neighborhood
Sunday, May 12, 2024
34 individuals and groups took to the streets of Echo Park for the May Urban Discovery event. This course always provides significant challenge as it is much larger than can be completed in the time limit. You really have to strategize what will get you your best score. This year featured a close competition between Alex Kiperman and Anton Zhiganov. Anton had a higher raw score and both received bonuses for visiting the 99 control in every zone, but Alex completed an entire zone, had no errors, and finished on time. This vaulted him above Anton's score for the win. It should be noted that the Urban Discovery format can be extra challenging for folks with limited English skills. Nevertheless, a good time was had by all!
Course Setter Notes:
There were several typos on the question sheet that caused some confusion, and one other issue. These included the following.
Control 342 - The correct answer for the name of the hill was "Stuck Truck". There was a sign at the bottom of the hill with this name. Several people answered "Cerro Gordo" which was the name of the street which could also be considered correct. Since the intent of these questions was to verify you visited the control and not that you can solve a trick question, I also gave credit for the alternate answer.
Control 433 - The street address of 1523 was incorrect and should have been 1814. I gave credit for an "E" answer for this question.
Control 455 - The question sheet said "tree truck" which should have been "tree trunk". This resulted in several people looking for a vehicle which was somehow connected to trees instead of the mural of a learning tree that was at the location. I gave credit for an "E" answer for this question.
There were also some interesting results for control number 155. The correct number of benches in the rest area was 2. If you look carefully at this location on the map you will see two small circles. Each of these is a rest area. The southern one has 1 bench and the northern one has 2. The control circle on the northern rest area. 30% of the people that answered this question gave "1" for the answer which was incorrect.
Thanks to all who helped make this event happen, especially:
Course Setter - Rich Hoesly
Preregistration - Allan Pincus
Finish/Results - Rich Hoesly
Meet Director - Clare Durand
Results are attached - txt file is an Excel spreadsheet that contains detailed scoring results for every control point. PDF provides summary results only.