Mount Pinos 2024
Los Padres National Forest near Frazier Park, CA
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Bruce Garbaccio designed some challenging courses for Mt. Pinos this year. Between the climb, the thin air, and the technical contour reading skill required, the courses took their toll. Mikhail Biryukov had a great day, edging out Roland Hansson by less than a minute on the Red course. On Green, Mike Chin had a decent lead over new youth team member Kaileo Truong. Clare Durand and Tanner Untiedt smoked the compeition on Brown and Orange, respectively. On the Yellow course, Harrison Wykoff zipped past team V-squared after having already completed the Brown course. Wayne Cottrell, as usual, used White for a warm-up, coming in ahead of Katerina Menclova and Renee Harris.
Thanks to all who helped make this event happen, especially:
Course Setter and Start - Bruce Garbaccio
Preregistration - Allan Pincus
Epunch - Rich Hoesly
Finish - Logan Perez
Meet Director - Clare Durand
Control Pickup - Rex Winterbottom, Allan and Kim Pincus, Bruce Garbaccio, Kaileo Troung, Alan Perez, Roland Hansson
2024-06-09 Mt Pinos Sun 6/9/2024 6:57 PM
-----------------------OE2010 © Stephan Kr‰mer SportSoftware 2017------------------------
Place Time Name Club COOL
Red (12) 6.2 km 210 m 12 C
1 1:15:29 Mikhail Biryukov LAOC
2 1:16:02 Roland Hansson LAOC
3 1:19:27 Alexander Kiperman LAOC
4 1:31:33 Rex Winterbottom BAOC
5 1:32:42 Aron Walker LAOC
6 1:39:58 Sergey Biryukov LAOC
7 2:17:37 Nikita Phillips LAOC
8 2:23:41 John Phillips V LAOC
9 2:40:19 Vendula Mrozkova none
10 3:23:19 Don't Follow Pizza Man D LAOC
dnf Valentine Schieneman LAOC
dnf Kimberly Pincus LAOC
Green (20) 4.8 km 180 m 12 C
1 1:31:42 Mike Chin LAOC
2 1:37:39 Kaileo Truong LAOC
3 1:43:07 Ambrose Liu BAOC
4 1:47:58 Jonathan Wykoff none
5 1:50:28 Gary Kraght BAOC
6 1:50:56 Eugene Kiperman LAOC
7 2:21:40 Ryan Dekany LAOC
8 2:42:26 Sage Thompson LAOC
9 2:43:09 Jonah Jankowski none
10 2:59:14 Alan Perez LAOC
dnf Sergei Vinnichenko LAOC
dnf Richard Dekany LAOC
dnf Lorenzo Rossi LAOC
dnf Todd Hook LAOC
dnf Tharun Manigandan LAOC
dnf Mason Kusko none
dnf Nolan Hedrick none
dnf Michael Hart LAOC
dnf Elena Vinnichenko LAOC
dnf Allan Pincus LAOC
Brown (11) 4.0 km 130 m 8 C
1 1:06:39 Clare Durand LAOC
2 1:25:00 Harrison Wykoff none
mp Olga Kraght BAOC
dnf Sue Dekany LAOC
dnf Super Sloths LAOC
dnf James Lyle none
dnf Fun Team LAOC
dnf Peter Wykoff none
dnf Galina Prodan none
dnf Yzabella Craigen none
dnf John Phillips IV LAOC
Orange (9) 4.0 km 140 m 9 C
1 1:22:25 Tanner Untiedt none
2 2:39:38 Wayne Cottrell LAOC
3 2:58:25 Kam Butler none
4 3:00:31 Kari Wykoff none
mp The McKinleys none
dnf Richard Hoesly LAOC
dnf Bruce Crabtree LAOC
dnf Target circle member LAOC
dnf LeAD Labs LAOC
Yellow (16) 2.6 km 70 m 9 C
1 29:02 Harrison Wykoff LAOC
2 48:50 V-Squared none
3 1:01:27 Jack Powledge none
4 1:01:29 Lucas Kincheloe none
5 1:04:28 Katie Winnerkrans none
6 1:04:30 Reid Powledge none
7 1:04:33 Elizabeth Hsu-Kwan none
8 1:04:34 Sebastian Hsu-Kwan none
9 1:18:09 No Directions Needed LAOC
10 1:37:17 Vasquez Normandy LAOC
11 1:59:37 ROBERTO EGUIA none
12 2:16:44 Team Alvarez none
dnf Samantha Aspurias none
dnf Gabriel Acuna none
dnf Theresa Huang LAOC
dnf Richard Santos Castro none
White (7) 2.5 km 50 m 11 C
1 31:32 Wayne Cottrell LAOC
2 52:46 Katerina Menclova none
3 52:51 Renee Harris LAOC
4 56:24 Bruce Untiedt none
5 1:54:52 Team CoBa LAOC
dnf Elena Prodan none
dnf Doug and Rose Hogg LAOC