Schabarum 2024
Schabarum Regional Park, Rowland Heights
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Schabarum's event served as the finals for the COOL Youth League and it was a fitting end to the season. Course setter John Phillips used the picnic areas and nearby hills to maximum effect with a variety of route choice and trail running legs of varying lengths. Keeping touch with the map was important on these fast courses.
COOL Varsity champ Mikhail Biryukov won the Long Orange course handily with almost a 10 minute gap to Andrew Tomlin. Annie Wang edged out Lauren Gao by three minutes for her first COOL Varsity win. On Orange, the JV male competition was tight. Tharun Manigandan managed to wrest the JV gold medal away from Minjae Jeon with his course win. And Arielle Xuan came out ahead of Raina Ban for her first JV course win. On the yellow course Kaileo Truong and Evelyn Jiang were top male and female, respectively. Team Cypress Pair had the fastest time on White.
COOL awards were presented to the top three individuals and top three schools in each category. Troy was the big winner taking first place in Varsity, JV, and Intermediate. Gold medalists included Mikhail Biryukov, Lauren Gao, Tharun Manigandan, Raina Ban, Kaileo Truong, Katherine Jung, and Polina Biryukova.
Thanks to all who helped make this event happen, especially:
Course Setter - John Phillips
Preregistration - Allan Pincus
Check-in Table - Clare Durand
Start - Bruce Garbaccio, Gene Mason, Bill Lauper
Finish - Roger Fronek
Epunch - Rich Hoesly
Pre-Runner - George Grindley
Control Pick-up - Troy NJROTC
Meet Director - Clare Durand
2024-03-10 Schabarum Sun 3/10/2024 3:51 PM
Place Time Name Club COOL
Long Orange (33 4.1 km 155 m 19 C
1 37:05 Mikhail Biryukov LAOC Citrus Valley
2 46:54 Andrew Tomlin LAOC
3 47:38 Sergey Biryukov LAOC
4 48:06 Eric Hong LAOC Troy
5 49:42 Aaron Matheson LAOC Chaparral
6 51:09 Joshua Garrett LAOC Chaparral
7 51:44 David Saunders London OK
8 53:01 Ostty Wang LAOC Troy
9 53:08 Lorenzo Rossi LAOC
10 53:26 Honglin Wang none
11 53:50 Nikita Phillips LAOC
12 54:26 Ethan Noh LAOC Troy
13 1:03:15 Ron Sandvick SDO
14 1:03:19 Ryan Leem LAOC Troy
15 1:05:13 Kit Maneewong none
16 1:06:20 Todd Hook LAOC
17 1:06:33 SteinFei none
18 1:08:55 Annie Wang LAOC Troy
19 1:11:20 Lauren Gao LAOC Troy
20 1:15:27 Gabor Vari none
21 1:17:36 Gene Mason LAOC
22 1:19:48 Jennifer Sorbello LAOC
23 1:21:54 Sage Thompson LAOC
24 1:23:37 Super Sloths LAOC
25 1:29:30 Bruce Garbaccio LAOC
26 1:36:37 Freddy Wang LAOC Troy
27 1:36:44 Amar Pukale none
28 1:39:14 Elena Vinnichenko LAOC
29 1:50:15 Team Maanpaa LAOC
30 1:55:49 Becky and Karen none
31 2:13:16 Team Cohen LAOC
32 2:21:00 Alan Perez LAOC
dnf George Grindley LAOC
Orange (21) 4.2 km 125 m 14 C
1 43:56 Tharun Manigandan LAOC Troy
2 46:35 Minjae Jeon LAOC Troy
3 51:37 Logan Perez LAOC Troy
4 52:57 Jason Pan LAOC Troy
5 55:06 Olga Urbanovskaia none
6 56:41 Sung Kim LAOC Troy
7 56:54 Alison Saunders London OK
8 57:32 Adam Reilly none
9 1:02:05 John Phillips LAOC
10 1:26:01 Melanie Campbell none
11 1:33:37 Blaise Prymmer none
12 1:39:44 Katerina Biryukova LAOC
13 1:43:52 Jeff Sorbello LAOC
14 1:46:33 Karen Murphy LAOC
15 1:50:02 John Grieshaber LAOC
16 2:01:53 Arielle Xuan LAOC Troy
17 2:03:30 Team Lin LAOC
18 2:14:20 Raina Ban LAOC Troy
19 2:21:38 Evelyn Xiao LAOC Troy
mp Randy Hillman none
dnf Don and Claudia none
Yellow (23) 3.5 km 70 m 12 C
1 36:03 Kaileo Truong LAOC Troy
2 46:12 Evelyn Jiang LAOC Troy
3 47:16 Benjamin Cheng LAOC Troy
4 48:11 Luke Tran LAOC Troy
5 48:13 Katherine Jung LAOC Troy
6 49:02 Clare Durand LAOC
7 50:09 Polina Biryukova LAOC Cram Elementary
8 58:05 Ajith Char LAOC Troy
9 1:03:11 Saisantosh Arasala LAOC Troy
10 1:03:25 Team Sequoias LAOC
11 1:12:46 Larissa Liu LAOC Troy
12 1:15:43 Humza Shahzad LAOC Troy
13 1:25:14 Team Yoyo LAOC
14 1:37:59 Samantha Hook LAOC
15 1:42:06 Suhasni Sampath LAOC Troy
16 1:42:48 Bob Johnson LAOC
17 1:49:22 Shri Krishna Sivakumar LAOC
18 1:50:43 Cub Scout Pack 586 LAOC
19 2:06:01 Jeffrey Kim LAOC Troy
20 2:30:35 Ambrose Luo LAOC Troy
dnf Jeremy Sorbello LAOC
dnf Violet Ceja LAOC
dnf Paige Vu LAOC
White (4) 3.1 km 50 m 13 C
1 48:48 Cypress Pair LAOC
2 1:00:32 The Ninjas none
3 1:07:22 Team Chenster none
4 1:26:56 William Reilly none