Vasquez Rocks Jan 7th 2024
Vasquez Rocks Natural Area, Agua Dulce
Sunday, January 7, 2024
Our most popular venue was once again a pleasure. Courses set by Goran Hellgren and Bruce Garbaccio presented a wide variety of route choice and technical challenge. Alex Kiperman managed to edge out Roland Hansson to win the Red course. On Green, Nikita Phillips took his first win of the COOL season. Clare Durand, with Winkie in tow, took the honors on the Brown course. A large Troy contingent filled the Orange results, with Jason Pan squeaking out a win over Logan Perez. Winners on Yellow and White were Luke Tran and Wayne Cottrell.
Our sincere appreciation to the rangers at Vasquez for all of their help and cooperation and to the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation for their partnership.
Thanks to all the volunteers who made this event possible:
Event Director - Clare Durand
Course Design - Goran Hellgren and Bruce Garbaccio
Control Hanging - Goran Hellgren, Bruce Garbaccio, Ann Bergstrom, Michelle Jennings
Preregistration - Allan Pincus
Check-in Table - Clare Durand
Start - Bill Lauper, Bruce Garbaccio
Finish - Rex Winterbottom, Troy Parents, Logan Perez, Troop 2131
Epunch/Results - Jeff Laun
Control pickup - Troy NJROTC, Sergei and Misha Biryukov
Place Time Name Club COOL
White (15) .5 km 65 m 14 C
1 26:05 Wayne Cottrell LAOC
2 51:57 Weston Prior SDO
3 55:06 Stevie Johnson None
4 55:16 Roper Team None
5 1:01:25 Trail Life USA Troop CA-4110 None
6 1:06:02 SANTA ANA 2 None
7 1:08:30 Ji2131 None
8 1:12:43 SANTA ANA 1 None
9 1:19:10 Team Alizadehs None
10 1:26:28 Team LUZZZ None
11 1:32:07 Athena Bailey None
12 3:31:50 Troop 2131 None
dnf SANTA ANA 5 None
dnf SANTA ANA 6 None
dnf Mary Castillo None
Yellow (21) .7 km 60 m 13 C
1 42:40 Luke Tran LAOC Troy
2 45:59 Kaileo Truong LAOC Troy
3 55:56 Umar Mohammed Firdouse LAOC Troy
4 1:01:14 Avijeet Singh LAOC Troy
5 1:07:30 Troop 2131 Youngs None
6 1:09:33 Nathan Chen LAOC Troy
7 1:12:31 Benjamin Cheng LAOC Troy
8 1:17:10 Alex He LAOC
9 1:17:31 Michelle Jennings None
10 1:18:28 Jessica Lee Team Trevi
11 1:19:19 Katherine Jung LAOC Troy
12 1:25:54 Evelyn Jiang LAOC Troy
13 1:30:53 Joseph He LAOC
14 1:32:02 Alex Roksa LAOC Troy
15 1:33:49 Team Rocketship LAOC
16 1:33:58 Jeffrey Kim LAOC Troy
17 1:35:14 Gavril Tolentino LAOC Troy
18 1:42:56 Larissa Liu LAOC Troy
19 2:12:58 Humza Shahzad LAOC Troy
20 2:16:34 Nathaniel Nguyen LAOC Troy
dnf Eric Mulkey None
Orange (20) 9 km 165 m 13 C
1 1:02:51 Jason Pan LAOC Troy
2 1:03:57 Logan Perez LAOC Troy
3 1:22:25 Tharun Manigandan LAOC Troy
4 1:27:46 Oliver Hsu LAOC Troy
5 1:34:45 David Park LAOC Troy
6 1:35:36 Raina Ban LAOC Troy
7 1:36:05 Sung Kim LAOC Troy
8 1:39:59 Wayne Cottrell (2nd) LAOC
9 2:16:50 Jiali Zhu LAOC Troy
10 2:17:42 Kevin Li LAOC
11 2:23:12 Michael Bailey LAOC Chaparral
12 2:25:12 William Lauper LAOC
dnf John Kuechle LAOC
dnf Galina Prodan None
dnf Mason Kusko
dnf Jorge Garcia None
dnf Jally Yang LAOC Troy
dnf Anne Mullins LAOC
dnf Joe Ros None
dnf Arielle Xuan LAOC Troy
Brown (11) 4 km 115 m 12 C
1 1:09:43 Clare Durand LAOC
2 1:14:02 Kjell Jeppson LAOC
3 1:39:27 Super Sloths LAOC
4 1:57:06 John Phillips LAOC
5 1:57:31 Lauren Gao LAOC Troy
6 2:02:53 Team CAS None
7 2:24:01 Vas Normandy LAOC
8 3:23:21 John Grieshaber LAOC
9 3:24:54 Recinda Sherman LAOC
dnf James Lyle None
dnf Yzabella Craigen None
Green (25) 4 km 150 m 15 C
1 1:18:58 Nikita Phillips LAOC Troy
2 1:22:30 Eric Hong LAOC Troy
3 1:26:57 Ostty Wang LAOC Troy
4 1:28:24 Vladimir Gusiatnikov OCIN
5 1:28:58 Richard Dekany LAOC
6 1:30:40 Mike Chin LAOC
7 1:31:47 Ethan Noh LAOC Troy
8 1:44:30 Freddy Wang LAOC Troy
9 1:47:01 Nolan Hedrick None
10 1:49:54 Gary Kraght BAOC
11 1:50:31 Todd Hook LAOC
12 1:52:12 Jonah Jankowski None
13 1:59:18 Eugene Kiperman LAOC
14 2:04:02 Joshua Garrett LAOC Chaparral
15 2:09:07 Lorenzo Rossi LAOC
16 2:13:40 Elena Vinnichenko LAOC
17 2:40:39 William Gilmore CJROTC Chaparral
18 2:59:51 Isaac An LAOC Troy
19 3:13:23 Don't Follow Pizza Man Dan None
dnf Ryan Dekany LAOC
dnf Ryan Leem LAOC Troy
dnf Sergei Vinnichenko LAOC
dnf Olga Kraght BAOC
dnf Brody Hedrick None
dnf Richard Hernandez Campos LAOC Troy
Red (14) 5 km 175 m 18 C
1 1:06:45 Alexander Kiperman LAOC
2 1:10:22 Roland Hansson LAOC
3 1:21:51 Rex Winterbottom BAOC
4 1:22:33 Mikhail Biryukov LAOC Citrus Valley
5 1:39:44 Vladislav Urbanovskiy None
6 1:41:39 Olga Urbanovskaia None
7 1:43:18 Seppo Rantala LAOC
8 1:51:20 John Phillips V LAOC
9 1:56:25 Sergey Biryukov LAOC
10 2:14:47 Jake Hook LAOC
11 2:17:30 Stein H Husoy None
12 2:22:52 Team Geckos None
dnf SANTA ANA 3 None
dnf Jeremiah Dees None